Incident Reports | 2024
January 3, morning -- Incident #1 -- medical call in Filing 13 -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters set up a landing zone for the Lifeline helicopter and Special Duty Responders led in the Red Feather Lakes and UC Health ambulances and set up traffic control around the landing zone.
January 5, afternoon -- Incident #2 -- medical call in Filing 13 -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters stood by in case a landing zone would be needed for the Lifeline helicopter and Special Duty Responders staged to lead in responding ambulances. Ultimately, the patient decided to go to the hospital via personal vehicle and all responders stood down.
January 6, evening -- Incident #3 -- fire call in Filing 13 -- CLVFD firefighters responded to the report of a structure fire in Filing 13. By the time of their arrival, the property owner had managed to put the flames out with a fire extinguisher but the fire had burned into a floor space. Firefighters used a thermal imaging camera to check all surrounding areas to verify that the fire was not still smoldering inside the walls or floor.
January 7, morning -- Incident #4 -- medical call at Beaver Meadows -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters stood by in case a landing zone would be needed for the Lifeline helicopter and Special Duty Responders led in the Red Feather Lakes and UC Health ambulances.
January 19, evening -- Incident #5 -- medical call at Beaver Meadows -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters stood by in case a landing zone would be needed for the Lifeline helicopter and Special Duty Responders stood by to lead in ambulances. The patient decided to transport themselves down to the hospital and all responders stood down.
January 28, morning -- Incident #6 -- carbon monoxide alarm in Filing 7 -- CLVFD firefighters responded to a house with carbon monoxide alarms going off, bringing the department's carbon monoxide detectors to check whether the alarm was correct.
February 2, morning -- Incident #7 -- Slash Depot burn (cancelled) -- CLVFD and RFLVFD firefighters turned out to burn the Slash Depot piles. Ultimately, both fire departments and the Larimer County burn bosses determined that current and forecast weather conditions were not suitable for safe burning and it was cancelled. An attempt will be made later in the winter, when it's hoped that better conditions will be available for the fire.
March 1, morning -- Incident #8 -- MVA on 73C -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters and Special Duty Responders set up traffic control around a motor vehicle rollover on North County Road 73C. There were no significant injuries and the patients refused transport to a hospital.
March 2, noon -- Incident #9 -- wildland fire on 67J -- CLVFD firefighters and Special Duty Responders staged at Crystal Lakes station, preparing to assist RFLVFD firefighters with a wildland fire on 67J near Sky Prairie Rd. Ultimately, Red Feather firefighters were able to contain the fire with no further assistance needed and all Crystal Lakes responders stood down.
March 6, afternoon -- Incident #10 -- MVA on Tami Rd -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters and Special Duty Responders set up traffic control around a motor vehicle accident on Tami Rd. There were no significant injuries and the patients refused transport to a hospital.
March 14-19 -- Incident #11 -- Slash Depot burn -- CLVFD firefighters worked with RFLVFD firefighters to burn the Slash Depot piles and provide monitoring of the burn site. Firefighters manned the site continuously for the first forty-eight hours, then checked it every couple of hours, ultimately extinguishing all remaining embers on March 19th.
March 17, afternoon -- Incident #12 -- medical call at Beaver Meadows -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters set up a landing zone for the Lifeline helicopter and Special Duty Responders set up traffic control around the landing zone.
March 26, afternoon -- Incident #13 -- MVA on Marmot Rd -- CLVFD firefighters responded to assist with a couple of delivery trucks that had jackknifed across the road, creating a traffic hazard. After removing the vehicles and determining there was no damage to them, the vehicles went on their way and firefighters stood down.
March 27, midnight -- Incident #14 -- mutual aid to Glacier View VFD -- CLVFD firefighters responded to assist GVMVFD with a fire in the generator at their station that was called in just after midnight. Glacier View proactively called out all neighboring mountain departments to assist, but was able to extinguish the fire themselves without additional assistance and stood responding mutual aid departments down.
April 7, afternoon -- Incident #15 -- medical call at CLVFD station -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters and Special Duty Responders staged in case they were needed.
May 6, morning -- Incident #16 -- mutual aid to RFLVFD -- CLVFD medical responders who were in the area responded to assist Red Feather Lakes VFD medical responders with a medical call.
May 7, evening -- Incident #17 -- community assistance on Micmac Rd -- CLVFD firefighters responded to assist a member of the community pulling a large trailer who was trapped by downed trees on Micmac Road. Responders cut up and removed the trees to get the driver moving again.
May 25, afternoon -- Incident #18 -- wildfire on 73C -- CLVFD firefighters responded to an abandoned campfire near mile marker 8 on County Road 73C. Firefighters ensured the fire was completely extinguished and unable to spread, then stood down.
May 25, afternoon-- Incident #17 -- mutual aid to RFLVFD -- CLVFD firefighters responded to assist Red Feather Lakes VFD with a reported structure fire near Apache Lake. Upon their arrival on scene, RFLVFD firefighters were notified by people on scene that the fire was caused by a lightning strike and they'd been able to extinguish the flames but wanted confirmation that they'd gotten the fire completely out. No longer in need of their assistance, RFLVFD stood down other responding agencies.
June 1, morning -- Incident #21 -- illegal campfire in Filing 12 -- CLVFD firefighters responded to a report of an illegal campfire in the 12th Filing. Responders extinguished the fire, then stood down.
June 1, morning -- Incident #22 -- medical call at CLVFD station -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters and Special Duty Responders staged in case they were needed.
June 1, afternoon -- Incident #23 -- wildland fire near 73C and 67J -- CLVFD firefighters responded to a report of a wildland fire in Forest Service land near the Kelly's Corner area. The fire was approximately one acre, burning in a rough, timbered area. CLVFD and RFLVFD firefighters hiked in to the fire and dug a fireline around the burn, containing it and working on extinguishing it until Forest Service responders could arrive to take over responsibility for completing the job.
June 2, pre-dawn -- Incident #24 -- wildland fire near Lost Lake -- CLVFD firefighters responded to a report of a lightning-caused fire in the area of Lost Lake. They and RFLVFD firefighters extinguished the tree and grassy area that were burning, then stood down.
June 4, morning -- Incident #25 -- medical call at Erie Lake -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters staged at the station in case a landing zone was needed and Special Duty Responders provided traffic control around the scene.
June 9, afternoon -- Incident #26 -- smoke report north of Crystal Lakes -- CLVFD firefighters responded to the report of smoke spotted north of Black Mountain. After investigating, this was determined to be misleading cloud formations and all responders stood down.
June 15, morning -- Incident #27 -- medical call in Filing 8 -- CLVFD medical personnel responded to the scene while firefighters and Special Duty Responders staged at the station to provide additional assistance if needed.
June 15, afternoon -- Incident #28 -- medical call in Filing 12 -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters staged at the station in case a landing zone was needed and Special Duty Responders provided lead-in for the Red Feather Lakes ambulance.
June 16, evening -- Incident #29 -- medical call in Filing 14 -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters staged at the station in case a landing zone was needed and Special Duty Responders staged to provide lead-in or traffic control if necessary.
June 21, evening -- Incident #30 -- medical call at Creedmore Lakes -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters staged at the station in case a landing zone was needed and Special Duty Responders staged to provide lead-in or traffic control if necessary.
June 30, morning -- Incident #31 -- mutual aid to Red Feather Lakes VFD -- CLVFD responders stood by to assist RFLVFD as they searched for a person reportedly mauled by a bear. When it became apparent that this report was mistaken, RFLVFD stood CLVFD responders down.
July 6, morning -- Incident #32 -- medical call at CL Water & Sewer Building -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters staged at the station in case a landing zone was needed and Special Duty Responders staged to provide lead-in or traffic control if necessary.
July 6, evening -- Incident #33 -- medical call in Filing 14 -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters staged at the station in case a landing zone was needed and Special Duty Responders provided lead-in for the UCH ambulance and traffic control at 73C and Voto to assist the ambulance in getting back out onto the road in holiday traffic safely.
July 9, morning -- Incident #34 -- medical call in Filing 2 -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters staged at the station in case a landing zone was needed and Special Duty Responders staged to provide lead-in or traffic control if necessary.
July 13, afternoon -- Incident #35 -- call near Lost Lake -- CLVFD medical responders and firefighters responded to assist Red Feather Lakes VFD and Larimer County Search and Rescue in the search for some lost hikers near Lost Lake, some of whom were reported to be in medical distress.
July 14, morning -- Incident #36 -- smoke report in Filing 3 -- CLVFD firefighters and Special Duty responders turned out in response to a report of smoke sighted north of 73C in the area of the Third Filing. No fire was discovered and responders stood down after a thorough investigation.
July 20, afternoon -- Incident #37 -- structure fire northeast of Crystal Lakes -- CLVFD firefighters responded to assist Red Feather Lakes and Livermore VFDs with a structure fire off of 67J north of 82E. Special Duty responders stood by at the station in case their assistance was needed for logistics, lead-in, or traffic control.
July 22, afternoon -- Incident #38 -- MVA on N. Ottawa Way -- CLVFD firefighters and Special Duty Responders turned out to assist with an incident in which a semi had run into a power pole. They directed traffic around the scene until Poudre Valley REA arrived to work on the powerlines and a large tow truck could reach the area to get the semi pulled out of where it was stuck against the pole.
July 23, morning -- Incident #39 -- mutual aid to RFLVFD -- CLVFD firefighters responded to assist Red Feather Lakes VFD in searching for the source of smoke reported in the Red Feather area. This was ultimately tracked to a contained and monitored campfire and all responders stood down.
July 25, pre-dawn -- Incident #40 -- medical call in Filing 13 -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters staged at the station in case a landing zone was needed and Special Duty Responders provided lead-in and traffic control for the Red Feather and UCH ambulances.
July 28, morning -- Incident #41 -- medical call in Filing 11 -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters set up a landing zone for the Lifeline helicopter and Special Duty Responders provided traffic control around the landing zone.
July 31, afternoon -- Incident #42 -- medical call in Filing 2 -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters set up a landing zone for the Lifeline helicopter and Special Duty Responders provided traffic control around the landing zone.
August 1, evening -- Incident #43 -- mutual aid to RFLVFD -- CLVFD firefighters stood by to assist Red Feather Lakes VFD with a call regarding a large campfire having been lit during the county fire ban. When Red Feather firefighters determined that they would not need assistance, all Crysal Lakes responders stood down.
August 2, afternoon -- Incident #44 -- medical call at CLVFD station -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters staged at the station in case a landing zone was needed and Special Duty Responders provided traffic control for the Red Feather and UCH ambulances.
August 10, morning -- Incident #45 -- medical call at Beaver Meadows -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters staged at the station in case a landing zone was needed and Special Duty Responders staged to provide traffic control for the Red Feather and UCH ambulances.
August 10, afternoon -- Incident #46 -- water rescue on Crystal Lake -- CLVFD responders were called out by bystanders who saw someone fall from a paddleboard and were unable to tell if they were able to self-rescue. After searching the area and talking with other bystanders, responders were able to determine that the person who fell in was able to get out of the water and made contact with them to verify that they were not in need of medical attention (our waters are cold enough that hypothermia is a risk at any time of year).
August 10, evening -- Incident #47 -- campfire call in Filing 1 -- CLVFD firefighters responded to a report of someone burning during the fire ban. Despite some searching, they were unable to find the fire that was seen and eventually stood down. Despite recent rain, the county fire ban is still in effect and it is still illegal to have any kind of open fire outside except one that is fueled by propane or natural gas.
August 16, afternoon -- Incident #48 -- medical call in Filing 11 -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters set up a landing zone for the Lifeline helicopter and Special Duty Responders set up traffic control around the landing zone.
August 16, evening -- Incident #49 -- campfire call in Filing 1 -- CLVFD firefighters responded to a report of someone burning during the fire ban. Firefighters spoke to the people burning, who'd already been notified by neighbors and were in the process of extinguishing their fire, then stood down. Despite recent rain, the county fire ban is still in effect and it is still illegal to have any kind of open fire outside except one that is fueled by propane or natural gas.
August 17, afternoon -- Incident #50 -- campfire call in Filing 8 -- CLVFD firefighters responded to a report of someone burning during the fire ban. Firefighters spoke with the people burning, who extinguished their fire, and stood down. Despite recent rain, the county fire ban is still in effect and it is still illegal to have any kind of open fire outside except one that is fueled by propane or natural gas.
August 18, evening -- Incident #51 -- mutual aid to RFLVFD -- As part of our mutual aid agreement, CLVFD firefighters staged at our station in case Red Feather Lakes VFD needed assistance when they received a report of someone burning during the fire ban. When RFLVFD found that the campfire in question was propane, which is permitted during the fire ban, all responders stood down.
August 23, evening -- Incident #52 -- smoke report off Deadman Rd -- CLVFD and RFLVFD firefighters turned out in response to a column of smoke sighted several miles west of Forest Road 300. By the time the call came in and the firefighters reached the reporting party, it was too dark to see the smoke the person who'd called it in had seen. Firefighters launched a drone with infrared capabilities but were unable to find any heat sources that appeared to be a fire, so they stood down.
September 4, midnight -- Incident #54 (Dispatch accidentally skipped 53) -- medical call in Filing 10 -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters and Special Duty Responders stood by to assist if a landing zone for a helicopter became necessary.
September 7, morning -- Incident #55 -- medical call in Filing 8 -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters set up a landing zone for the Lifeline helicopter and Special Duty Responders led in the UCH ambulance and set up traffic control around the landing zone.
September 14, morning -- Incident #56 -- medical call at Beaver Meadows -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters and Special Duty Responders stood by in case they were needed.
September 14, afternoon -- Incident #57 -- medical call in Pearl Creek -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care and firefighters assisted in carrying the patient out to the RFLVFD ambulance while Special Duty Responders led in the UCH ambulance and set up traffic control around where the RFLVFD and UCH ambulances rendezvoused for patient handoff.
September 16, afternoon -- Incident #58 -- wildfire in Pearl Creek -- CLVFD firefighters responded to a smoke report that we tracked to a wildfire in the west end of the Pearl Creek area. Responders immediately called on all our mutual aid agencies for assistance, and as the fire grew, passed management of the incident off to Larimer Emergency Services, which had the ability to call in even more resources, includeing a lot of air tankers. Due to these efforts, this fire was contained at 129 acres within a couple of days. Our deepest thanks for our neighbors' assistance and the quick response of county and state resources.
September 26, afternoon -- Incident #59 -- mutual aid to RFLVFD -- CLVFD firefighters responded to assist Red Feather Lakes VFD with the report of an illegal burn. RFLVFD responders were able to determine that the burn was a legal campfire and everyone stood down.
September 28, evening -- Incident #60 -- smoke report SW of Otter Pond -- CLVFD firefighters and Special Duty Responders rolled out in response to the report of a column of smoke sighted SW of Otter Pond near the Pearl Fire burn scar. Responders were not able to find any sign of a fire, other than a legal campfire that appeared to have been in the correct area and which had recently been extinguished, and used a drone to double-check for any heat signatures before standing down.
September 29, evening -- Incident #61 -- firereported south of 73C and Tami -- CLVFD firefighters and Special Duty Responders rolled out in response to the report of a potentially unsafe fire on 73C south of the intersection with Tami. Responders found a campfire in an approved pit and were able to confirm that it was being conducted safely.
October 1, evening -- Incident #62 -- medical call in Filing 1 -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters set up a landing zone for the Lifeline helicopter and Special Duty Responders set up traffic control around the landing zone and around the location where the Red Feather and UCH ambulances rendezvoused.
October 3, morning -- Incident #63 -- mutual aid to RFLVFD -- CLVFD firefighters staged at our station in case their assistance was needed by Red Feather Lakes VFD, which was responding to a reported motor vehicle accident. All responders stood down when it was determined that this was a false alarm.
October 18, morning -- Incident #64 -- mutual aid to RFLVFD -- CLVFD firefighters staged at our station in case their assistance was needed by Red Feather Lakes VFD, which was responding to a report of an unattended campfire in West Lake campground. All responders stood down when it was determined that their assistance wasn't needed.
October 19, evening -- Incident #65 -- medical call in Filing 11 -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters staged in case it was necessary to set up a landing zone for the Lifeline helicopter and Special Duty Responders staged to provide traffic control or lead-in if necessary.
November 15, afternoon -- Incident #66 -- medical call in Elkridge Ranches -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters staged in case it was necessary to set up a landing zone for the Lifeline helicopter and Special Duty Responders staged to provide traffic control or lead-in if necessary.
November 16, afternoon -- Incident #67 -- mutual aid to RFLVFD -- CLVFD firefighters staged to provide assistance to Red Feather Lakes VFD, which was responding to a report of an unattended campfire on Deadman Road. RFLVFD firefighters determined that this was one of the forest service burn piles, inside the prescribed burn area and no furthe response was needed, and all responders stood down.
November 29, pre-dawn -- Incident #68 -- medical call in Elkridge Ranches -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters staged in case it was necessary to set up a landing zone for the Lifeline helicopter and Special Duty Responders staged to provide traffic control or lead-in if necessary.
November 29, morning -- Incident #69 -- medical call at Beaver Meadows -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters responded to set up a landing zone for the Lifeline helicopter (which was stood down before they established the landing zone) and Special Duty Responders staged to provide traffic control or lead-in if necessary.
December 9, pre-dawn -- Incident #70 -- medical call in Filing 11 -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters staged in case it was necessary to set up a landing zone for the Lifeline helicopter and Special Duty Responders staged to provide traffic control or lead-in if necessary.
December 16, afternoon -- Incident #71 -- mutual aid to RFLVFD -- CLVFD firefighters stood by at our station to assist Red Feather Lakes VFD, which was responding to the report of an illegal fire. Ultimately, RFLVFD determined that no additional assistance was needed, and all CLVFD responders stood down.
December 24, morning -- Incident #73 (#72 was accidentally skipped by Dispatch) -- medical call in Elkridge -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters staged in case it was necessary to set up a landing zone for the Lifeline helicopter and Special Duty Responders staged to provide traffic control or lead-in if necessary.
December 29, evening -- Incident #74 -- medical call in Filing 11 -- CLVFD medical responders provided patient assessment and care while firefighters staged in case it was necessary to set up a landing zone for the Lifeline helicopter and Special Duty Responders staged to provide traffic control or lead-in if necessary.