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Summer Classes

Summer 2024

** New classes added, identified by asterisks. **


Everyone is welcome – All classes are free and open to the public.  Schedule will be announced in May via the fire dept group email and Nextdoor and posted here. All classes will be held at the fire station at 237 Blackfoot Road, Red Feather Lakes.

Chainsaw Safety – Learn best practices for operating that chainsaw safely and effectively. Instruction is hands-on during discussion of cleaning and maintenance but will not include in-class operation of a chainsaw. Class taught by firefighters certified as sawyers by the Forest Service.

          Saturday, May 25              ​​   3:00 pm -- Completed. Thank you for attending!
          Saturday, August 17            3:00 pm -- Completed. Thank you for attending!
      ** Wednesday, August 21      7:00 pm -- Poudre Canyon Fire Station 2 (to register, see info below*)
      ** Saturday, Sept 14                10:00 am -- Poudre Canyon Fire Station 2 (to register, see info below*)

* To register for CLVFD Chainsaw classes held in Poudre Canyon, go to and fill out a Service Request Form with your desired class date and number of attendees.

Stop the Bleed! – Save a life. Learn the basics of bleeding control, including how to safely and properly apply a tourniquet. Sponsored by the American College of Surgeons, this program is designed to give everyone the tools to help save friends and neighbors when disaster strikes.

           Saturday, July 20                  3:00 pm -- Completed. Thank you for attending!

Bystander CPR and AED Basics – When someone’s having a heart attack, every second counts – don’t do nothing because you don’t know what to do! Learn how to get compressions-only CPR started, how to use an AED, and what to do to help until medical responders arrive and afterwards. This is not a certification course.

          Saturday, June 15                3:00 pm -- Completed. Thank you for attending!    
          Saturday, August 17            1:00 pm -- Completed. Thank you for attending!        

Fire Mitigation in the Home Ignition Zone – Did you know that many of the most effective steps you can take to protect your home are no more arduous than yardwork? Learn what you can do to increase the chances of your property surviving a wildfire. This class is also available as a video on our website.

          Friday, June 7                         3:00 pm -- Completed. Thank you for attending!
          Saturday, July 20                   9:00 am -- Completed. Thank you for attending!

Evacuation: How and When to Get Out – Don’t hesitate because you don’t know what to do.  Come and learn how to be prepared for an evacuation, how to know when it’s time to go, and what to do when the time comes. Not just Crystal Lakes specific—this information is useful to property owners in any community affected by wildfires. This class is also available as a video on our website.

          Saturday, June 22                 1:00 pm -- Completed. Thank you for attending!
          Saturday, August 10             3:00 pm -- Completed. Thank you for attending!

Get Wildfire Smart About Insurance – Learn how insurance really works in a major disaster, what you'll have to do to collect and what you can do now to make sure you have the resources you'll need to start over with no regrets. 

          Saturday, June 29                  3:00 pm -- Completed. Thank you for attending!

**Fall Prevention Presentation – Did you know 1 in 4 Americans 65+ fall every year? Yet most falls are preventable. Learn what research says are the best ways to prevent falls plus actionable steps you can take to stay on your feet. Topics will include home safety, exercises, footwear and more. Class presented by Alison Weston of UCHealth.

           Saturday, Sept 14                 10:00 am -- will be held in Red Feather Lakes VFD fire station, register by emailing Alison at

**Child Safety Presentation –Did you know unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death to children? Come discuss tips to keep children safe while at home and on the go. Topics will include medication safety, motor vehicle safety for children and teens, infant safe sleep and more. Class presented by Alison Weston of UCHealth.

           Saturday, Sept 14                 1:00 pm -- will be held in Red Feather Lakes VFD fire station, register by emailing Alison at